
Day 75: 228 pounds

Yes that title is correct.  I got on the scale this morning and it was 228, I had gained two pounds since my last weigh in.  However I'm not surprised because I have not been able to exercise and I have not had the best of eating weekends.  Let me recap, Saturday we had a family BBQ with lots of good food.  Sunday I had a fantasy football draft that was supplied with pizza's and drinks.  Today I had another fantasy football draft that was stocked with pizza, wings, chips and lots of drinks (all kinds of drinks).  So that explains the two pound gain.  However I'm pretty sure even eating all that food that had I been able to exercise I would have maintained my same weight and not gained.  Oh well, its in the past and time to move on. 

As for my cold, I'm feeling so much better.  I think I'm still a day or two away for being able to go running or ride my bike, so hopefully by Wednesday I can get back out there.  However starting tomorrow my eating goes back to where it was before this weekend. 

With that said I will call it a day and head to bed!  Wish me luck on my next weigh in day.

Daily Recap:
  • Breakfast:  Iced Coffee
  • Lunch:  Pizza & Wings (Football Draft)
  • Dinner:  None, lunch was more a lunch/dinner thing
  • Exercise:  None
  • Weight:  228 (2 pound gain from previous day)
  • Grade:  F

1 comment:

  1. Darn ..how can you resists pizza and wings.To much good stuff out there...o.k. heres what you do,only go to fantasy what ever parties where they serve veggy platters and ice water. yum,yum.
