
Day 66: 226 pounds

The day has finally come....Vegas Baby!

As you can see by my post title, I didn't hit my goal of 225, however only being 1 pound off is still awesome and pretty much a win in my books.  I mean heck its only a pound!  I have not gone the bathroom in a few days so I'm sure once that happens I will be under 225 (lol).  Either way I'm still very proud of myself to have come this far.  It has not been easy, but all the hard work has paid off so far!

I will also not be putting up any posts for the next few days.  Not only will I not be around a computer, but I'm pretty sure I wont be in any condition to operate a keyboard.  I get home on Monday night, so I will either try and get them updated (day by day) that night or on Tuesday.

Thanks to everyone who has followed me and been pulling for me day in and day out.  My Journey is no where near finished and I will continue full speed once returning from the bright lights of Vegas!

No daily recap because its 6:30am and I have not ate anything yet.  However the weight update is below.

  • Weight:  226 pounds (down 2 pounds from previous weigh in)

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