
Day 36

It was a good day for me both eating and exercise.  Breakfast and lunch were the same yet again, don't feel bad I actually enjoy what I'm eating and have yet to get sick of it.  Dawn was going out to dinner with an old friend so after work I met her with the kids at Lily's gymnastics practice.  They ate before hand, so once it was over it was my turn for some food.  I kept it quick and easy and hit up Wendy's for some grilled chicken wraps.

After we got home the kids played for a little bit and then it was time for bed.  Dawn was still not home so that meant some quality video game time for myself.  I cant get enough of MLB11 The Show!  However I was able to put the remote down once Dawn got home.  At that point I put on my "running" attire and headed out for another productive exercise session.

Tomorrow is a weigh in day.  Lets hope I finally can break the 233 mark!

Daily Recap:
  • Breakfast:  Protein Shake
  • Lunch:  Grilled Chicken Breast & Yogurt Cup
  • Afternoon Snack:  Yogurt Cup
  • Dinner:  Grilled Chicken Wraps (Wendy's)
  • Exercise:  Run/Walk (30 minutes - 1.4 miles)
  • Weight:  n/a
  • Grade:  A+

1 comment:

  1. My guess, tomorrow .....drum roll......231...love ya, Dad
