
Day 11

When I woke up I really wanted some coffee.  This is probably a result of not getting to bed till almost 3am.  Why, well MLB the Show 11 on the playstation 3 could be the greatest game to ever come out if your a baseball fan.  I felt like a kid again up all night playing video games.  Anyways as for breakfast, well it was very easy this morning.  Brady had some corn pops and Lily, drum roll.......oatmeal!  I fed Charlotte a combination of both.  I had a few bites of the oatmeal but that was it.  I wasn't that hungry and knew that I would make up for it at lunch.  I did drink a bottle of water if that helps!  

We stayed home for lunch and made macaroni and cheese for the kids.  I had a very small bowl of that and some more edamame.  Yesterday I made some sun tea yesterday and have been drinking pretty much just that the past two days.  Its pretty quick and easy to make sun tea when its 115 out!  I pour it over a full cup of ice with no sugar and its perfect.

A few weeks back we had some steak and chicken kabobs at Brett & Ashley's.  They were amazing and ever since Dawn and I have been wanting to make them.  So we thawed out some steak and chicken and diced up some veggies (green & red peppers, red onions and pineapple) and fired up the grill.  Our side dish, no surprise here was corn on the cob.  By the way its so much fun standing over a grill when its over 100 degrees out, but we do anything for some good cooking!  I will say heat and all that it was fun to be outside to watch our first Arizona Monsoon dust storm roll in.  It was cool!  I have also added a photo below of dinner when it was cooking.  Hopefully I can do this more often.

I'm feeling a lot better but still have a cough and don't thinking its smart to get out and run around just yet.  Yes I know that I'm slacking on the daily exercise part, but my goal this upcoming week is to get out 3 nights and either walk, bike or run.  

Daily Recap:
  • Breakfast:  Water and a few bites of Oatmeal
  • Lunch:  Mac-N-Cheese & Edamame with Iced Tea
  • Afternoon Snack:  Beef Jerky
  • Dinner:  Chicken & Steak kabobs with corn on the cob
  • Exercise:  None
  • Bonus:  No coffee or Soda (11 full days)
  • Grade:  B+

Dinner = yummy!

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