
Day 235: 233.5 pounds

Today was a great day for me, even the weekend I had wasn't that bad.  So I started my day off by getting on the scale to see what damage I needed to do going forward.  Surprisingly I was happy to see the 233.5 number.

After dropping the kids off at school I stopped by and picked up a bagel for Dawn and I for breakfast.  I love me a nice fresh bagel in the morning!  It was such a nice day today that I decided to mix things up a little bit, and went for a mid day run.  I didn't just do this because of the weather, but Brady had baseball practice tonight and knew I wouldn't have time.  I will say that it was nice to get it out of the way early.  After my run I did my sit-ups, jumped in the shower and then had some lunch.  Lunch was very simple, it was a PB&J day for me.  I enjoyed that with a protein shake and called it a meal.  Since Brady's practice was from 5:30 to 7:30, dinner was on the go.  We decided to stop at Wendy's on the way to the fields and ate in the car.  I had two grilled chicken wraps and nothing else, well I did have a bottle of water to help wash them down.

That was about the extent of my eating for the day.  Now with tomorrow being Valentines day, I'm sure there will be some chocolates in front of me at some point.  Its only one day a year, so I plan to enjoy a few,  but not a full box.  Maybe give myself one or two per day as a reward if I do good.  We will see.

Daily Recap:
  • Breakfast:  Bagel with low fat Garlic/Herb cream cheese
  • Morning Snack:  Protein Shake
  • Lunch:  PB&J sandwich
  • Dinner:  Grilled Chicken Wrap (2) form Wendy's
  • Exercise:  Run (3 miles), 125 sit-ups
  • Weight:  233.5 pounds
  • Grade:  A

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